As your local Member of Parliament since 2017, I've worked hard to deliver improvements to services and our suburbs. This can only happen with the support of an amazing community across the Swan Hills electorate. I have included a list of our achievements so far, but I look forward to following through on my commitment to continue fighting for our community!

Whole Region
- Large Air Tanker: $11 million provided for a bushfire fighting Large Air Tanker to be stationed in WA during the fire season. Our own LAT will be a major boost to WA’s aerial firefighting fleet, ensuring we are as prepared as possible to protect lives and homes this bushfire season.
- Electricity Credit: $400 credit for every WA household, supporting Western Australians with the cost of living.
- Bushfire Mitigation:
- $123,000 in funding directed to the City of Swan 2021-22.
- $56,459 in funding for City of Swan in 2020-21.
- Aveley North Primary School: $13,000 for maintenance upgrades.
- Aveley Primary School: $63,964 for maintenance upgrades, traffic management and structural upgrades.
- Aveley Secondary College:
- $4.2 million for completion of stage 2 of Aveley Secondary College, which included a performing and visual arts building, lecture theatre and student services facility.
- $25,000 to supply and install shade sails.
- $19,500 for maintenance upgrades.
- Arbor Grove Primary School:
- $54,546 for maintenance upgrades and structural upgrades.
- $25,000 to supply a Sunsafe basketball grandstand and seating.
- Alnoor Arabic School:
- $14,672 given as part of the McGowan Government's Community Language School Grants.
- $10,010 from the Office of Multicultural Interests, to provide support to eligible not-for-profit CaLD community associations to teach languages other than English for students from Kindergarten to Year 12 out of school hours.
- Anne Hamersley Primary School:
- $19.09 million to build a new classroom block. This is new funding that will ensure the school has the classroom capacity required to meet growing student numbers.
- $25,000 to install fans and an event marquee.
- $13,000 for maintenance upgrades.
- Ellen Stirling Primary School:
- $327,842 for maintenance upgrades, electrical upgrades, structural upgrades and traffic management.
- $25,000 to provide playground equipment, new oven and freezer.
- Ellenbrook Primary School: $60,266 for maintenance upgrades and structural upgrades.
- Ellenbrook Secondary College: $678,323 for maintenance upgrades, classroom refurbishments, design and technology upgrades, electrical upgrades and structural upgrades.
- Malvern Springs Primary School:
- $26,576 for maintenance upgrades and structural upgrades.
- $25,000 contributed to the cost of erecting shade sails over play areas and a flashing LED Sign.
- METRONET - Ellenbrook Station: After decades of nothing, the McGowan Government will deliver on the Morley-Ellenbrook Line. The Ellenbrook station design released on the 28th July 2021 and construction began in January 2022. Ellenbrook Station will be in the heart of Ellenbrook’s town centre and will offer quick and easy transport services to more than 46,000 residents currently living in and around the suburb!
- Community Radio 88.5fm: $50,000 in upgrades, with funding to establish a second studio and towards establishing a new home.
- Ellenbrook Mile: $5,000 of funding towards office equipment and to increase the number of games at social mornings.
- Ellenbrook RSL: $100,000 funding to build a permanent war memorial at Ellenbrook District Open Space in collaboration with the RSL.
- Ellenbrook Youth Centre: The $6.46 million Youth Centre, constructed with State funding of $4.27 million. With $1.86m as part of the WA Recovery Plan, and $2.05m from Lotterywest's COVID-19 relief fund. A further $180,000 was contributed by both the McGowan Government and LotteryWest for the City of Swan to deliver the project.
The Youth Centre has been co-designed by young people for young people and includes a range of services such as basketball and netball courts, a creative studio, an open recreational space and activity rooms.The design of the state-of-the-art, purpose-built facility has a strong focus on connection, providing a safe and welcoming recreational space to keep young people active, healthy and connected.Importantly, it is also linked to a range of community services such as counselling, financial advice and employment training.
Ellenbrook Youth Centre is now OPEN!
- Target 120 Funding: The McGowan Government will provide an extra $11.1 million to roll-out Target 120 to nine new sites, including in our community of Ellenbrook. The program supports 10-14 year-olds who are at risk of becoming repeat offenders and being lost to the criminal justice system. Dedicated Community Youth Workers directly support children and their families to tackle the factors that increase the chances of offending.
- Ellenbrook Bowling Club: $40,000 in funds to refurbish. Including Solar Panels, LED Lighting, Furniture and Gas Connection
- MIDLAS, Ellenbrook & Bullsbrook: $3,000 for provision of resource and activity packs for families supported by MIDLAS.
- Sister Project Ellenbrook: $60,000 in funding towards fitting out new premises.
- Ellenbrook Pool: An extra $10 million from the State and Federal Labor Governments to get the pool underway. This means there will be a total of $42 million in State and Federal funds to build the pool.
- Maralla Road Interchange: $100million in Funding for the Marella Rd Interchange. It will be located between Warbrook and Maralla roads, and will provide necessary infrastructure for urban density developments of around 10,000 homes, with an expected population increase in the area of around 30,000 people in the next 20 years. Planning around the exact location of the interchange is still underway. Works expected to begin in 2024-25.
- Northlink Noise Wall: Works are taking place to extend the Northlink Amenity Wall in Ellenbrook, extending south towards the Promenade. This will reduce noise impacts for our community along Northlink.
Bennet Springs
- Sikh Gurdwara: $30,000 in support to acquire a food delivery van so the Sikh Gurdwara can extend the reach of their food delivery service.

Whole Region
- Large Air Tanker: $11 million provided for a bushfire fighting Large Air Tanker to be stationed in WA during the fire season. Our own LAT will be a major boost to WA’s aerial firefighting fleet, ensuring we are as prepared as possible to protect lives and homes this bushfire season.
- Bushfire Mitigation Funding:
- $500,000 for bushfire mitigation in the Shire of Mundaring in 2021-22.
- $332,000 for the Shire of Mundaring in 2020-21.
- $123,000 for bushfire mitigation directed to the City of Swan in 2021-22.
- $56,459 for the City of Swan in 2020-21.
- Electricity Credit: $400 credit for every WA household, supporting Western Australians with the cost of living.
- Perth Hills Energy Supply Forum: Hosted in Parkerville in 2021, by Jessica Shaw (Swan Hills) and Matthew Hughes (Kalamunda). Attended by Minister for Energy, Bill Johnston, to speak with the Hills community.
- Bullsbrook College:
- $1.1 million for maintenance upgrades, design and technology upgrades, resurfacing of playing surfaces, toilet upgrades and structural upgrades.
- $30,000 to install drinking fountains and upgrade play area.
- Bullsbrook Toy Library: $3,000 of funding for a range of new toys and to refresh the Toy Library.
- Bullsbrook Community Garden: $5,000 of funding towards the installation of a gazebo.
- Bullsbrook Landcare: $3,000 to support the purchase of equipment.
- Bullsbrook Museum: $20,000 towards fitting out the shed and complete landscaping around the Museum.
- Bullsbrook Cricket Club: $3,000 towards equipment for the Bullsbrook Cricket Club junior team.
- Bullsbrook St. John Ambulance: $5,500 towards the installation of two defibrillators.
- Family Support: $3,000 for provision of resource and activity packs for families supported by MIDLAS, which operates in Bullsbrook and Ellenbrook
- Chidlow Fire Station: $10,000 to purchase and install an electronic display sign on the Fire Station, replacing an existing sign that displays specific Mundaring Shire burning information to local residents.
- Chidlow Primary School:
- $30,074 for maintenance upgrades and structural upgrades;
- $25,000 towards upgrades of the early childhood playground.
- Chidlow Oval: $45,000 towards a cricket pitch upgrade at Chidlow oval.
- Chidlow Skate Park: $30,000 funded to the Shire of Mundaring to provide parents and general community shelter and seating at the Chidlow Skate Park.
- Chidlow Community Garden: $1,000 for new gardening equipment, including reticulation, bulk materials and seedlings.
- Chidlow Progress Association: $10,000 in funding towards upgrades to the building exterior of the CPA building.
- Gidgegannup Recreation Club: $73,500 for lux lighting, purchasing new gym equipment, a new ride on mower and new office supplies.
- Happy Hooves Sanctuary: $35,000 towards fire protection equipment, including funding for water trailers and fire suppression systems.
- Gidgegannup Primary School:
- $53,500 for maintenance upgrades and removal of demountables.
- A new dedicated science lab, with $25,000 for lab equipment.
- $20,000 funding towards a water tank and an ANZAC Memorial.
- $15,000 contribution for the installation of new fans for the undercover area.
- West Gidgegannup Volunteer Bushfire Brigade:
- $2.5 million for a stand-alone volunteer bushfire brigade facility. On top of a record sum of state funding at $1.3 million, the City of Swan added $1.2 million. This is the biggest ever investment for a stand-alone volunteer bushfire brigade facility.
- $10,000 in funding to contribute to a stand-by backup generator and storage lockers for volunteers belongings.
- Wooroloo Inquiry: Launched the independent review into the devastating Wooroloo Bushfire. Conducted by the Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC).
- Black Spot Program: $806,667 for Mayo Road in Gidgegannup. Works included; widening the shoulder, removing roadside hazards, improving drainage, installing centre lines, markers, signs and delineation.
- Gidgegannup Dressage Club: $5,000 in funding towards the purchase of a quad bike or tractor to assist with equipment mobility.
- Gidgegannup Equestrian Association: $5,000 contribution towards a trailer, which would assist all three of the equestrian clubs in Gidgegannup.
- Gidgegannup Pony Club: $5,000 in funding towards replacement of showjumping poles trailer.
- Gidgegannup Recreation Club: $10,000 in funding for gym and exercise equipment.
- Gidgegannup Scouts & Cubs: $1,000 for new camping and cooking equipment.
Mt Helena
- Mt. Helena Residents & Ratepayers Association: $10,000 to meet costs of trailer build for purchasing a custom-built trailer capable of moving barriers to the Hills Billy Cart Festival.
- Hills Billycart Festival:
- Jessica and Premier Mark McGowan opened the Inaugural Festival in 2018.
- Jessica and Deputy Premier Roger Cook opened the 2nd Annual Festival in 2019.
- Eastern Hills Senior High School:
- $2 million for canteen and classroom upgrades, and refurbishment of the gym and outdoor courts.
- $400,610 for maintenance upgrades, toilet upgrades and structural upgrades.
- Mt. Helena Primary School:
- $2 million for a new early childhood centre.
- $484,047 for maintenance upgrades, classroom refurbishments and roof replacements.
- $25,000 for new playground in early childhood area.
- A new dedicated science lab, with $25,000 for lab equipment.
- Mt. Helena Volunteer Bushfire Brigade: $10,000 in funding towards new shelving for shed renovations
- Possum Valley Animal Sanctuary:
- $30,000 grant from Lotterywest towards the cost of continuing their good work during COVID.
- $25,664 Lotterywest grant to help purchase a generator so that the Sanctuary has a secure supply of water, to help fight bushfires and ensure the animals are hydrated in summer. The rest will help build an ablution block for visitors.
- Elsie Austin Pavilion: $75,000 in seed funding towards repairing and upgrading the changerooms.
- Mt. Helena Tennis Club: $15,000 to install paving in the area between their club room and the tennis court.
- Mt. Helena Swim Club: $35,000 in funding for a pool blanket at Eastern Hills Senior High School.
Sawyers Valley
- Sawyers Valley Primary School:
- $47,867 for maintenance upgrades, classroom refurbishments and roof upgrades.
- $25,000 to refurbish outdoor teaching/kitchen/wet areas.
- A new science lab, with $25,000 for lab equipment.
- Sawyers Valley Volunteer Bushfire Brigade: $15,000 for a concrete hardstand with drains.
- Hills Rangers Football Club: $1,180 for the club, through the 2020 Healthy Sporting Club program.
- Wooroloo Primary School: $28,952 for maintenance upgrades and electrical upgrades.
- Wooroloo Volunteer Bushfire Brigade: $10,000 for equipment upgrades, including a thermal imager, mobile phone charger packs, PPE Storage and GPS equipment.
- Wooroloo Inquiry: Launched the independent review into the devastating Wooroloo Bushfire. Conducted by the Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC).
- Great Eastern Highway Upgrades: $14.4 million to upgrade two intersections at Wooroloo and Sawyers Valley. Creating 70 jobs during this process.

Whole Region
- Electricity Credit: $400 credit for every WA household, supporting Western Australians with the cost of living.
- Large Air Tanker: $11 million provided for a bushfire fighting Large Air Tanker to be stationed in WA during the fire season. Our own LAT will be a major boost to WA’s aerial firefighting fleet, ensuring we are as prepared as possible to protect lives and homes this bushfire season.
- Bushfire Mitigation Funding:
- $123,000 for bushfire mitigation directed to the City of Swan in 2021-22.
- $56,459 for the City of Swan in 2020-21.
- East Swan Volunteer Bushfire Brigade: $10,000 for permanent and secure storage area for the BBQ and associated equipment.
- Bells Rapids Concept Plan: $38,000 in funding through DBCA towards a project to address recreational and environmental management issues in Bells Rapids, and develop a concept plan with recommended action to protect the site.
- Swan Valley Horse & Pony Club: $3,000 for the club, through the Healthy Sporting Club Program 2020.
Herne Hill
- Herne Hill Primary School: $25,000 to upgrade play equipment and playground areas.
- Swan Athletic Sporting Club: $20,000 in funding towards training equipment, as well as re-surfacing and sealing of the netball courts.
- Swan Valley Sporting & Community Club: $20,000 in funding towards facility upgrades and sporting equipment.
Upper Swan
- Upper Swan Primary School: $52,000 for maintenance upgrades.